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Transitions are the moves children and young people make from home to nursery, from nursery to primary, from primary to secondary, from secondary to further education and beyond.

Starting Primary One

Children in Scotland who reach the age of five years between 1st March 2017 and 28th February 2018 should start school in August 2018.  This generally means that children start school when they are aged between four-and-a-half and five-and-a-half.

To help your child prepare for a good start you can:

  • Listen and talk to your child about this change in their lives
  • Involve your child in getting ready for school by helping choose the things they will need, e.g. their uniform, lunchbox, school bag
  • Keep in touch with the school about anything which may affect your child’s learning
  • Attend induction events or introductory sessions

Transfer to Secondary School

Primary school pupils normally transfer to their catchment area secondary school in August following completion of their P7 year.  Secondary staff visit P7 pupils to discuss aspects of their transfer with them and in June the pupils will spend an agreed length of time at their prospective secondary school.

The catchment area secondary school for Carradale Primary School is:

Campbeltown Grammar

Hutcheon Road



PA28 6JS

Telephone:01586 553773

Website: Campbeltown Grammar School

You will be contacted by letter and offered a place for your child at Campbeltown Grammar School, which you may either accept or decline.  Secondary schools have their own arrangements for meetings with prospective parents/carers, and you will be given details of these meetings.

Should you prefer your child to attend a school other than the designated catchment area school then a Placing Request must be made.  Forms are available from the Head Teacher or School Support, Argyll & Bute Council, Argyll House, Alexandra Parade, Dunoon, PA23 8AJ – Tel: 01369 704000.

Moving Between Schools

When a child moves to a new school their class teacher will normally telephone the new school to share information on academic achievement and personal likes/dislikes with their new teacher.  Parents/carers are encouraged to organise a visit to the new school (if possible) in advance to support the child feel secure in the move.

It should be noted that opportunities for enhanced transitions are available for children as required.

Liaison with Local Schools

Our school maintains close links with Campbeltown Grammar School and other primary schools within the local area.  Our teachers, and in some cases our pupils, visit other schools and establishments and other teachers and pupils visit us.  This process is important for the professional development of staff, reciprocal understanding and the establishment of curricular consistency.